Cross My Path And Pay Dearly
-[ The Sweet Cage ]-

April and Tyler's Hotel Room
Off Camera

*April Starr wakes up in her and Tyler Destiny's hotel room to the sound of "Don't Stop Believin" by Journey coming from her cell hone. She opens her eyes and realizes her head is on Tyler's chest and his arm is around her. She sits up fast and gently moves his arm from around her and puts it on his chest. She reaches over and grabs her phone and flips it open*

April Starr: Hello?

Alyson Starr~Cage: DID YOU JUST WAKE UP?

April Starr: Umm.. Yeah, So what?

Alyson Starr~Cage: Jesus, I thought you grew out of sleeping all day.

April Starr: Did you call to lecture me about my sleeping habits?

Alyson Starr~Cage: No I called you to tell you to get to the gym Me, David, Madison and Trevin are at.

*April groans and Gets up out of bed, wearing pink shorts and a pink tank top. She looks over at Tyler and bites her lip, debating on wether she wants to leave him, she snaps out of it and shakes her head*

April Starr: I'll be there!

Alyson Starr~Cage: Good, See you soon! We're so exc...

*April closes the phone, hanging up on her sister before she can finish her sentence. She looks over at Tyler and shakes her head, walking into the bathroom. Starts to pace, talking quietly to herself*

April Starr: April.. You are NOT starting to like him.. Hes disgusts you.. You wanna train him.. That's ALL. You'll teach him and then leave him on his own.. You are NOT allowed to fall for him!

*April changes into a pair of pink sweat pants and another pink top. She walks out of the bathroom and looks over at Tyler again. She sits down at the table in the hotel room and grabs a piece of paper and a pen*

April Starr: Tyler... My sister called so I'm meeting her and some people at the gym, I'll be back soon, So don't even THINK about bringing some bitch up here to this room okay? And if you go somewhere I WILL find you. April

*April stands up and looks over at Tyler one more time before grabbing her car keys and walking out of the hotel room*

Local Gym
Off Camera

*April walks into the gym Alyson told her to meet them in and smiles. She sees Her sister, Brother-in-law, David's cousin Madison, and Her boyfriend Trevin standing around talking. She walks up between David and Alyson and throws her arms around their necks*

April Starr: What's up guys?

David Cage: Not much, how bout you.

April Starr: Not much. What are they doing?

*She looks over at Trevin and Madison. Trevin is sitting on a weight bench and Madison is sitting on his lap giggling*

Alyson Starr~Cage: They always do that..

David Cage: Get a box

Madison Cage: April! You're here!

*Madison gets up after fighting with Trevin to do so. She giggles and walks over to April and hugs her as Trevin starts lifting the weights*

Madison Cage: Isn't he hott?

*Alyson laughs and shakes her head*

Alyson Starr~Cage: David.. Go spot for Trevin.. We need girl talk.

*David rolls his eyes as the girls walk over to the treadmills, they get on them and start running*

Alyson Starr~Cage: So.. Who's this Tyler guy?

April Starr: Tyler is just a guy I'm training to be... A lot not like himself.

Madison Cage: Huh?

April Starr: Hes like J.T. Cash...

Madison Cage: Ooh..

Alyson Starr~Cage: And you think you can get him to change that?

April Starr: That's my mission

Madison Cage: April... take it from someone whos tried.. You can't change guys like that

April Starr: I don't he seems to be trying..

Alyson Starr~Cage: Cause he wants you to keep sleeping with him.

April Starr: How did you know...

Alyson Starr~Cage: I'm your sister...

April Starr: I don't think that's the only reason hes trying..

Madison Cage: April he..

April Starr: Will you 2 stop ragging on him!!

*Alyson and Madison look at each other and smirk*

April Starr: What are you two smirking at?

Madison Cage: You like him!

April Starr: WHAT? NO!

Alyson Starr~Cage: Yes you do, You like him! THATS why you're doing this.

April Starr: Shutup, I do NOT like him. Hes arrogant and cocky and a male-whore and hes..

*They all slow down on the treadmills so their walking, and Madison and Alyson stare at her*

April Starr: Okay fine, Maybe hes a little cute... And MAYBE I'm starting to see his better side.. and maybe I like waking up next to him.. But.. That doesn't mean I'd ever BE with him.. I'm not gonna end up like Alexa..

Alyson Starr~Cage: We'll see.. So.. lets change focus.. the match. What is it?

April Starr: Its a tag team match.. I'm with this guy that's in our group... Prince or something.. And its against some dude.. the chick is related to the Hardy's. The Hardys huh?

April Starr: Yeah but, Its no big deal right? Anyways... I got this match in the bag, I got this.

Alyson Starr~Cage: How my LITTLE sister got more confident in the ring than I am.. Is way beyond me.

April Starr: I'm smarter.. Prettier.. and just better than you.

Alyson Starr~Cage: Shutup, and lets train.

*Madison, April and Alyson get off the treadmills and head over to Trevin and David*

PWE Arena: Sex, Drugs and Wrestling locker room
Off Camera

*April Starr walks to the Sex, drugs, and Wrestling locker room and opens the door. She rolls her eyes seeing only Joey and closes the door behind her. She walks over to Tylers bag and starts looking through it for something she left in it*

April Starr: wheres tyler?

Joey Monteleone: I don't know thought he was with you

April Starr: Well obviosuly hes not

Joey Monteleone: Yeah nice to know you arent as dumb as you look. I mean if he's not here what the fuck you digging through his shit for? Probably stealing something like the crackho you are

*Aprils stands up, with her training gear in her hands*

April Starr: My stuff is in here too. So how about, You mind your own damn buisness?

Joey Monteleone: My business....My business is what ever I make my Business

April Starr: Right... Like all those sluts you sleep with? Hurting your girlfriend in the meantime.. You're scum.

Joey Monteleone: Jealous huh.....seen that before. Let me tell you something April I have seen hotter then you and turned them down, I have fucked these "Sluts" all the way up to cloud nine and back again so you sit there and tell me I'm hurting Alexa? She has joined in, so obviously it doesn't hurt her too much. Besides Tyler has done jsut as much or more then even me in the world of women. You wanna call me scum? You take that s off the beginning and that's what i will make you

*April looks at him and starts laughing*

April Starr: Please... I wouldn;t sleep with you for anything. And I know what kind of person Tyler has been. But I'm gonna change all that. And yeha Tyler's been an asshole when its come to women... But he also doesn't have a girl that completely devoted to him like Alexa is to you. You're so blind by your huge ego you can;t even see what you're doing to her.

Joey Monteleone: SHUT YOUR MOUTH BITCH! DO NOT TELL ME WHAT I AM AND AM NOT DOING TO MY ALEXA! I don't need some two bit bitch come in here and start telling me about how she is gonna change Tyler and make him this and that, and I will not, I WILL NOT HAVE YOU TALK TO ME ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIP WITH ALEXA!

*April smirks and crosses her arms*

April Starr: You know I'm right.

Joey Monteleone: I know you better get the fuck outta here and find Tyler and have him be back in this room. I have an erand to run then I need to talk to him about OUR BUSINESS!

April Starr: Sorry.. Tyler is spending the day with me.. I have a lot to teach him.

*April smirks*

April Starr: And you better get used to me being around, Cause I'm not going anywhere

Joey Monteleone: OK whatever I need him back sometime TODAY!

April Starr: WE'LL be back when WE'RE done with what WE'RE doing.

Joey Monteleone: We hell he is my tag team partner and in case you forgot since your in the opener and all that Tyler and I are in the MAIN EVENT TLC match for the tag, world, and anarchy titles so you just remember that!

April Starr: Awww, is someone getting jealous that now Tyler has someone else in his life isn't waiting around for you?

Joey Monteleone: No someone just like being prepared for his matches especially when this much gold in on the line!

April Starr: Trust me.. Hes ready for his matches. He can handle everything. And hes a lot less pathetic than you.

Joey Monteleone: Pathetic would know

April Starr: Right.. Because I'm the one whos sleeping around with skanks who have god knows how many STDs when I have a girlfriend who loves me.. oh.. oh no wait.. Thats you!

Joey Monteleone: I am fucking clean women....I dont have to worry about STDS I am not going around fucking barwhores just highclass bitches

April Starr: Look.. You dont like me, and frankly I dont like you either.. But take my advice okay... Alexa won;t deal with it forever... Everyone has a limit..

Joey Monteleone: And I have reached mine get the fuck out of this locker room!

April Starr: Fine.. But when that day comes.. Don't say I didn;t warn you.

Joey Monteleone: Leave mine to me and leave me and tyler's business alone. Train him, bang him do whatever it is you do, just remember 2 Dudes 1 Cup means more to Tyler and myself then any women ever could.

April Starr: I'm not trying to break up the tag team, Honestly I think you guys are amazing in that ring. But hes gonna learn.. And you would be smart to do the same thing.. Like I said.. Alexa won;t stick around forever

Joey Monteleone: Good...atleast you acknewledge the skills

April Starr: Just take my advice okay.. I know what I'm talking about, I've been in Alexa's shoes.. You can only take so much..

Joey Monteleone: Sounds like you should talk to her about how horrible I am then and leave me the fuck alone. Just do me a small favor

April Starr: And why should I do YOU a favor?

Joey Monteleone: Because I asked you to

April Starr: What is it?

Joey Monteleone: Whenever you come around here you just shut up look sexy and don't talk to me

*April walks up to Joey and slaps him hard across the face*

April Starr: You make me sick

Joey Monteleone: Lay hands on me ever again....and I will show you how sick I can be...

April Starr: Touch me.. And you risk a HUGE fight with Tyler. Do you really want that?

Joey Monteleone: Like I told you Tyler and me will never turn on each other especially over a piece of ass

April Starr: Then go ahead.. Hit me..

*Joey reers his fist back and swings it stopping meer millimeters from her face. April doesn't even flinch.*

Joey Monteleone: I don't hit women outside the ring...well only if I am actually hitting it.

April Starr: You know what.. I'm sure you can hold down the fort... Tyler will see you tomorrow

*April walks out of the locker room slamming the door behind her*

PWE Arena: Roof
On Camera

*The PWE cameras come to life on the roof of the arena. They show a woman in tight black jeans and a pink tank top. Her blonde hair is blowing in the wind and the pink area in her hair is clipped to the side. The camera pans around the girl and rises up her body, Showing the face of April Starr. She smirks and looks straight at the camera*

April Starr: a debut can be a very dangerous thing.. On one hand.. You can win your debut match and everyone will know you're there to prove yourself... Or... You can lose.. And in that case.. You will have to work VERY hard to prove you belong. I've watched female after female lose debut matches and work their asses off to prove they belong in this industry... My sister being one of them. I have been trained by Alyson Starr~Cage and Madison Cage, The 2 most AMAZING female superstars in Underground X's history. Now, I know a lot of you are thinking "What the hell is UX?". That doesn't REALLY matter. All you need to know is that they are the only 2 females to last in a male-dominated company. They have passed their heart, and power, and drive onto me. Not to mention their talent.

*April smirks and looks out at the city*

April Starr: But there is one more female that I will have to watch claw her way out of the depths after losing her debut match... and that is Ryann Hardy... Yeah yeah yeah shes related to the Hardy boys.. Yippee. Ryann.. You may be related to them.. But guess what, You're not them. And i hate to say this but.. I could beat your druggie of a relative who, by the way, is an idiot for not having insurance on his house, With one hand behind my back and blindfolded. Ryann.. I'm sorry.. But you're just gonna accept your loss at this show. You can call Tyler, Joey and Alexa all the names you want, But that will not change the fact that you're not going to beta me in this match.

*April smirks and starts walking around the roof*

April Starr: But shes not the only one against me in this match is she? No, no shes not. Theres also Joe Public. Joe.. You may think because you're a guy.. that you're gonna scare or intimidate me. Well guess what, You're not. I've beaten guys before, In AND out of the ring. Men don't scare me. But.. You'll see that I guess.. You'll all see..

*April stops walking and looks straight at the camera again*

April Starr: And theres my partner.. Prince. Someone who is in the same stable as I am. You see right there, That already makes us more powerful than Ryann and Joey. Me and Prince are part of Sex, Drugs, and Wrestling. As are Joey and Tyler. And you see.. First Strike, Its OUR night. We are ALL going to win our matches and prove that noone will be able to stop us. Me and Prince will start off the night by winning this tag team match. So Ryann, Joey, I hope you guys are ready to lose... Because I'm ready to win.

*April smirks again as the cameras fade*

I'm Not That Girl You Wanna Mess With