Cross My Path And Pay Dearly
-[ The Sweet Cage ]-

April and Tyler's Hotel Room
Off Camera

*April walks into her and Tyler Destiny's hotel room and sees him asleep. She smiles and walks over to the bed, sitting on it. She leans down and kisses him on his neck to wake him up*

April Starr: Tyleeeeer

*Tyler opens his eyes and rolls over, looking up lovingly at April as he does*

Tyler Destiny: Hey babe.

April Starr: Comeon.. Get up. I'm taking you somewhere

Tyler Destiny: Umm...okay?

*April kisses him, before standing up and grabbing her heeled boots. She watches him get out of bed and bites her lip*

April Starr: You better hurry up and put some clothes on before i go over there and jump you

Tyler Destiny: Well if that's the case, I'm going to have to lay here a little bit longer then.

April Starr: Comeon... It'll be fun, I promise. Now get up

*Tyler slowly drags himself from the bed and walks toward his suitcase*

Tyler Destiny: So where are we going?

April Starr: You'll see.. Hurry up.

*She gets up and walks into the bathroom and fixes her makeup. She walks out a few minutes later and looks at him, grabbing her keys*

April Starr: Ready?

Tyler Destiny: Yep, let's roll out!

*She smiles and walks out of the hotel room. They walk down to the parking lot and get in her car. After driving for a little while, April pulls into the parking lot of a bar. She looks over at him*

April Starr: I know I'm not a guy.. and this is something you used to do with Joe.. But.. I think I could be a good substitute..

Tyler Destiny: Yeah? Well okay.

*They get out of the car and walk inside. She watches all the women look at Tyler and bites the inside of her cheek. She looks at Tyler and forces herself to smile*

April Starr: What do you wanna drink? I'll go get it

Tyler Destiny: A crown and coke I suppose.

April Starr: Okay why don't you go grab us a table somewhere?

*April smiles and kisses him. She walks over to the bar and leans on it waiting for the bartender. She looks over her shoulder and raises an eyebrow watching as a woman walks up to Tyler and leans down to whisper in his ear*

Bartender: Can I get you something?

April Starr: Uhh.. Yeah.. a crown and coke.. and a uh.. mikes hard please..

*She bites her lip looking over her shoulder again*

Bartender: Here you go..

*She gets the drinks and walks over to the table Tyler is sitting at. Aprils sets the drinks down and clears her throat*

Tyler Destiny: Thanks babe, that was pretty quick.

*The woman looks up at April and slips a piece of paper into Tyler's hand. April raises her eyebrow and looks at Tyler. Tyler looks at the piece of paper and crumples it up and tosses it onto the floor of the bar. April smirks as the woman walks aay and she picks up her bottle*

April Starr: Stay here..

Tyler Destiny: Okay...don't leave me here alone for too long.

*She follows the woman into the bathroom, a few minutes later she walks back to Tyler and sits down, this time, without the bottle. She grabs a few napkins and starts wiping some of the Mike's off her shirt, along with a few small pieces of glass*

April Starr: Miss me?

Tyler Destiny: Yeah but what the hell did you just do?

April Starr: Nothing..

Tyler Destiny: So the bathroom was raining broken glass then?

*April looks up behind Tyler as the woman walks out of the bathroom holding the side of her head, some blood on the side of her face*

April Starr: You could say that..

Tyler Destiny: Hmm...I'm not exactly sure what's gotten into you lately but I fucking love it!

*She smiles and leans over the table and looks at him*

April Starr: i know what got into me last night. Or should I say.. Who.. got into me last night.

*Tyler blushes*

Tyler Destiny: Hmm....

*She giggles and stands up*

April Starr: You don't look like you're enjoying this much..

Tyler Destiny: I'm having a good time, I'm just a little surpised ya know.

*April sits on his lap and looks at him*

April Starr: Surprised?

Tyler Destiny: I dunno, you just seem different since we've gotten back together. I'm not saying I don't like it, because I really do. It might just take a few days for me to get used to you hitting skanks over the head with your bottle.

April Starr: Is that... bad? That I seem different..?

Tyler Destiny: No, it's perfect.

*She smiles and kisses him, looking over at the door, seeing the woman with 2 bouncers*

April Starr: Umm.. I think its time to go..

Tyler Destiny: Yeah, we better find a different exit.

*She stands up and grabs his hand and looks around. she sees the exit into the alley and pulls him to it. She pulls him into the alley and leans against the wall laughing*

April Starr: Well that was fun

Tyler Destiny: I don't know how often we are going to be able to do that. I think you might be a wanted criminal after tonight.

*She smiles and pins him against the wall*

April Starr: Watch out... Im dangerous

Tyler Destiny: Babe, I'm nothing but puddy in your hands right now.

April Starr: Well that's not true. You're Tyler Destiny.. No woman makes you go weak in the knees.

Tyler Destiny: Well maybe I've finally met my match.

April Starr: Aren't you worried about your rep?

Tyler Destiny: Naw, if anybody talks shit, I'll just have my badass girlfriend go kick their ass.

*She laughs and shakes her head*

April Starr: I'll let you handle the guys.

*She smiles and kisses him, walking towards her car, holding his hand*

April Starr: I have to admit.. If someone would have told me a few months okay.. That I'd be inlove with Tyler Destiny.. I would laughed in their faces

Tyler Destiny: Yeah and I'd never thought in a million years that I'd want to publicly destroy Joey as bad as I do now. It's funny how things work out.

April Starr: You're too good for him Tyler.. I told you that when I met you..

Tyler Destiny: I know, it just took a few hard shots to the head to finally get through to me.

April Starr: Well we'll take care of them. Both of them.

*They get to her car and get in, she starts it and looks at him*

April Starr: Where to?

Tyler Destiny: I'm pretty tired. How about back to hotel?

April Starr: Okay.

*She pulls out of the parking lot and drives back to the hotel. After they get back up to the room, she takes her heels off and walks into the bathroom. She changes into short shorts and a tank top and walks out and looks at him already in bed*

April Starr: Lazy

Tyler Destiny: Not really, you're just sex fiend who is keeping me up till the early morning trying to satisfy her desires.

*Her jaw drops and she gets into bed*

April Starr: Fine.. I wont touch you then

Tyler Destiny: That sucks. I was still hoping to get some spooning done.

*She smiles and lays on her side, moving back so her body is against his*

April Starr: Tyler.. You know how when we have off.. You go to your house.. and I go to mine..

Tyler Destiny: Yeah...

April Starr: Well what if we both.. went to one house..

*Tyler yawns*

Tyler Destiny: Sounds alright to me....

April Starr: We'll talk about it tomorrow.

*She turns over and looks at him, then kisses him*

April Starr: I love you..

Tyler Destiny: I love you too beautiful...

*She smiles and rests her head under his chin, closing her eyes*

Z100 Radio Station
Off Camera/ On Radio

*April Starr is sitting in a chair surrounded by the members of the Z Morning Zoo. She has a headset on and the "On Air" sign lights up*

Elvis Duran: We're back, and We're joined by PWE Wrestling Superstar April Starr. Welcome

April Starr: Thank you thank you.

Elvis Duran: Now lets not dance around it, Cause its gonna come up eventually. Tyler Destiny..

*April smiles and nods*

Danielle Minaro: Elvis!

April Starr: No its okay. What about him?

Elvis Duran: Whats up with you 2?

April Starr: That's easy, We're inlove.

Danielle Minaro: Isn't he a player though?

April Starr: He used to be. Hes different now.

Danielle Minaro: Oh comeon, Do you really believe that?

April Starr: I honestly do. Hes a completely different guy from the one the was the day we met.

Greg T: Now he beats women.

Elvis Duran: T!

April Starr: No no no, He hit Alexa James.. And hell lets face it, There are serious questions about wether shes really a woman anyway.

John Bell: Anyway, April ignore all of them. How come you came back to wrestling?

April Starr: Well, Me and Tyler broke up and I didn;t feel right about going back so I didn't. And I was spending time with my sister Alyson, and Shes getting ready to get back to wrestling, and she made me realize how much I missed both wrestling and Tyler. So I got them both back.

Danielle Minaro: But you wrestle Guys! Isn;t that scary?

April Starr: Not at all. I mean, If you weren't trained by men i could see how it would be but, I was trained by my sister husband and his brother, So I'm used to it.

Elvis Duran: Whos this Vortex guy?

April Starr: Hes my opponent for this week. Or, Should I say, the guy I'm gonna run over this week.

Danielle Minaro: Confidence, that's the key.

April Starr: Exactly. And determination, and heart. And I have all 3.

Elvis Duran: We'll be back with April Starr after "Love Me Dead" by Ludo.

*The "On Air" light goes off and April sits back in her chair. They all talk until the song ends, when the "On Air" light comes back on, April leans forward again*

Elvis Duran: The lines are going crazy, apparently you have a lot of fans April, So lets get to it. We have Chris on line 1. Hey Chris

Caller 1: Heeeey, I have a question for April.

April Starr: Shoot.

Caller 1: When are you gonna do playboy like a lot of other wrestling Diva's have?

April Starr: I'm acting a, looking sexy with your clothes ON kinda girl. So, No playboy, But i do have 2 Maxim Magazine shoots you might be interested in.

Elvis Duran: Have you ever thought about it?

April Starr: Honestly, If I was approached to do it, I think it would be hard to turn down, But I'd do it.

Elvis Duran: Well then maybe we'll have to call Hefner.

Danielle Minaro: Elvis! Can we get to the next call please?

Elvis Duran: Sarah.. You're on.

Caller 2: I just wanted to ask April... How could you be with someone who beat up your friend?

April Starr: He didn't beat her, he punched her. And she was never really my friend, I had to be around her cause of Joey and Tyler's partnership. And I can be with him because I know he would never put his hands on me like that.

Elvis Duran: Okay.. Lets skip to the next and last call.

Caller 3: Hello?

April Starr: Hi, Julie right?

Caller 3: Yeah. I just wanted to say good luck in your match. I think you're amazing.

April Starr: Thank you very much.

Caller 3: And I was wondering if I could get tickets to the show? I live in Jersey.

April Starr: Leave your name with the shows producers and I'll make sure they get you tickets.

Elvis Duran: Wow, Unfortunitly, That's it. April, It was nice seeing you. And We'll be back.

*The "On Air" sign goes off and April takes off the headset. After saying her goodbyes, April walks out of the studio, to head back to Tyler*

April's Car
On Camera

*April Starr is sitting in the driver's side of her car, with her window down and pink shades over her eyes. Her hair is blowing and she reaches over and turns the radio down, keeping her eyes on the road*

April Starr: Life is funny sometimes... You have ups.. and Downs.. and inbetweens.. and then you get put into situations like this. Where your boyfriend wants nothing more than to destroy someone, and you'd do anything to help him. And that situation is just fine with me.. because you see.. Love makes you do some crazy shit. Joey Monetelone and Alexa James... They'll pay for messing with Tyler Destiny... I'll make sure of it..

*April smirks and nods*

April Starr: But.. that's not what I need to focus on this week... this week its all about Vortex... Now.. I know a lot of people are gonna be saying.. "April, you can't do it" and that's fine they can say whatever they want... But the bottom line is I will stop at nothing to get what I want, and what I want is the victory this week.. so Vortex.. word of advice... Watch your ass in our match.. Because April Starr is back. and ready for action

*April smirks, reaching over and turning the radio up*

I'm Not That Girl You Wanna Mess With